Feature Comparison

Feature vBulletin Connect vBulletin Cloud

[fa=fa-check] - Available
[fa=fa-times] - Not Available
Note – The above is not a comprehensive list of differences, but are the most likely differences you will notice. In general vBCloud has all features of VB5 except those that could pose a danger to overall system security.

Forums, Articles, Blogs, Groups [fa="fa-check"] [fa="fa-check"]
Posts, Photo Albums, Links, Polls [fa="fa-check"] [fa="fa-check"]
Usergroups Based Permissions [fa="fa-check"] [fa="fa-check"]
Responsive Design [fa="fa-check"] [fa="fa-check"]
Site Builder [fa="fa-check"] [fa="fa-check"]
Quick Setup Feature [fa="fa-check"] [fa="fa-check"]
Built In Ad Locations [fa="fa-check"] [fa="fa-check"]
Paid Subscriptions [fa="fa-check"] [fa="fa-check"]
Support for Google Analytics [fa="fa-check"] [fa="fa-check"]
Mobile Suite Compatibility [fa="fa-check"] [fa="fa-check"]
Custom Smilies [fa="fa-check"] [fa="fa-check"]
Multiple Language Support [fa="fa-check"] [fa="fa-check"]
Custom User Profile Fields [fa="fa-check"] [fa="fa-check"]
File Attachments [fa="fa-check"] [fa="fa-check"]
Human Verification System [fa="fa-check"] [fa="fa-check"]
Likes System [fa="fa-check"] [fa="fa-check"]
Style Variables Access [fa="fa-check"] [fa="fa-check"]
Multiple Built-In Themes [fa="fa-check"] [fa="fa-check"]
Can Import 3rd Party Styles [fa="fa-check"] Partial
Direct access to Templates [fa="fa-check"] Additional CSS Only
Can Use 3rd Party Addons [fa="fa-check"] [fa="fa-times"]
PHP Direct Execution Module [fa="fa-check"] [fa="fa-times"]
Outgoing RSS Feeds [fa="fa-check"] [fa="fa-check"]
Incoming RSS Feeds [fa="fa-check"] [fa="fa-times"]
SMTP Email Support [fa="fa-check"] [fa="fa-times"]
Automatic Backups [fa="fa-times"] [fa="fa-check"]
Automatic Upgrades [fa="fa-times"] [fa="fa-check"]
Ticket Support 30 days Varies by plan
Forum Support [fa="fa-check"] [fa="fa-check"]