Table of Contents
- vB_Akismet
- Class to handle interacting with the Akismet service
- vB_BbCode_Url
- vB_BbCode
- vB_BbCodeDataCache
- vB_BbCodeHelper
- vB_Cache_APC
- APC.
- vB_Cache_Db
- DB Cache.
- vB_Cache_Filesystem
- DB Cache.
- vB_Cache_Memcached
- Memcached.
- vB_Cache_Null
- Null Cache.
- vB_Cache
- Cache Handler that caches and retrieves data.
- vB_ChannelPermission
- Channel Permissions interface Provides methods used in admincp to read and set channel- specific permissions.
- vB_Cleaner
- Class to handle and sanitize variables from GET, POST and COOKIE etc
- vB_Context
- Context Container for information about a context that can be serialized and used as an id to determine whether other data or methods are applicable.
- vB_Database_MySQLi
- Class to interface with a MySQL 4.1 database
- vB_Database
- Class to interface with a database
- vB_DataManager_Admin
- Class to do data save/delete operations for ADMINISTRATORS
- vB_DataManager_Constants
- Abstract class for Constants
- vB_DataManager_Moderator
- Class to do data save/delete operations for MODERATORS
- vB_DataManager_Prefix
- Class to do data save/delete operations for thread prefixes
- vB_DataManager_PrefixSet
- Class to do data save/delete operations for thread prefix sets
- vB_DataManager_RSSFeed
- Class to do data save/delete operations for RSS Feeds
- vB_DataManager_StyleVar
- Abstract class to do data save/delete operations for StyleVar.
- vB_DataManager_StyleVarDefn
- Class to do data save/delete operations for StyleVarDefinitions.
- vB_DataManager_Userpic
- vB_DataManager_Avatar Abstract class to do data save/delete operations for Userpics.
- vB_DataManager
- Abstract class to do data save/delete operations for a particular data type (such as user, thread, post etc.)
- vB_Datastore_APC
- Class for fetching and initializing the vBulletin datastore from APC
- vB_Datastore_Filecache
- Class for fetching and initializing the vBulletin datastore from files
- vB_Datastore_Memcached
- Class for fetching and initializing the vBulletin datastore from a Memcache Server
- vB_Datastore_WinCache
- Class for fetching and initializing the vBulletin datastore from WinCache
- vB_Datastore
- Class for fetching and initializing the vBulletin datastore from the database
- vB_Exception_404
- 404 Exception Exception to throw to redirect to a 404 page.
- vB_Exception_AdminStopMessage
- AdminStopMessage Exception Exception thrown when the Admin should not continue.
- vB_Exception_Cache
- Content Exception Exception thrown by content item classes and handlers.
- vB_Exception_Critical
- Critical Exception Exception thrown when the system cannot continue.
- vB_Exception_DM
- DataManager Exception Exception thrown by data manager classes.
- vB_Exception_Model
- Model Exception Exception thrown by model classes such as Item and Collection.
- vB_Exception_NodePermission
- AccessDenied Exception Thrown whenever an unrecoverable access denied occurs.
- vB_Exception_Parser
- Parser Exception Exception thrown when the parser encounters unexpected input
- vB_Exception_Router
- Routing Exception Exception thrown when an error occurs with the router or routing.
- vB_Exception_TemplateFatalError
- Model Exception Exception thrown by model classes such as Item and Collection.
- vB_Exception_User
- User Exception Exception thrown specifically to notify the user of an error.
- vB_Exception_View
- View Exception Exception thrown by view classes and templaters.
- vB_Exception_Warning
- AccessDenied Exception Thrown whenever an unrecoverable access denied occurs.
- vB_Exception
- vB Exception Base class for all exceptions.
- vB_Image_GD
- Image class for GD Image Library
- vB_Image_Imagick
- Image class wrapper for Imagick PECL library
- vB_Image
- Class for image processing
- vB_Library_BbCode_Table
- THIS CLASS IS A DUPLICATE OF vBForum_BBCodeHelper_Table IN CORE Implementation of table BB code parsing outside of the normal class hierarchy.
- vB_Library_BbCode
- Stack based BB code parser.
- vB_Library_Filedata
- Class to manage FileData. At the moment the only thing it does is to move filedata between the database and filesystem.
- vB_LoginState
- vB LoginState enum.
- vB_Mail_Queue
- Mail queueing class. This class should be accessed as a singleton via fetchInstance()! This class does not actually send emails, but rather queues them to be sent later in a batch.
- vB_Mail_Smtp
- SMTP Mail Sending Object
- vB_Mail
- Mail class.
- vB_Memcache
- This implements an object wrapper for Memcache
- vB_Memcached
- This implements an object wrapper for Memcached
- vB_Node
- vB_Notification
- vB_PageRestore
- vB_Phrase
- Phrase Stores a phrasegroup / key pair for deferred rendering.
- vB_Products
- Class to handle product access and autoinstall
- vB_Session
- Class to handle sessions
- vB_Shutdown
- Class to handle shutdown
- vB_StopForumSpam
- Class to handle interacting with the Stop Forum Spam service
- vB_Systemevent_Item_Content_Notification
- vB_Systemevent_Item
- vB_Systemevent_Queue
- vB_Types
- vB Types Handler Provides methods to convert id's, class names, packages, class string fragments and friendly titles for the framework object types package and contenttype.
- vB_Undo_Item_Unsubscribe
- vB_Undo_Item
- vB_Undo_Log
- vB_UserContext
- vB_UserContext
- vB_Utility_Bbcode_Parser
- vB_Utility_Censor
- vB_Utility_Date
- vB_Utility_Filescanner
- vB_Utility_Filescanner
- vB_Utility_Geoip_Ipstack
- vB_Utility_Geoip
- vB_Utility_Geoip_None
- vB_Utility_Geoip
- vB_Utility_Geoip
- vB_Utility_Geoip
- vB_Utility_Hashchecker
- vB_Utility_Filescanner
- vB_Utility_Ip
- vB_Utility_String
- vB_Utility_Url
- vB_WysiwygHtmlParser
- Class to parse the HTML generated by the WYSIWYG editor to BB code.
- vB_XML_Parser
- vBulletin XML Parsing Object