vBulletin v6.1.0

vB_dB_ArrayResult extends ArrayIterator
in package
implements Iterator uses vB_Trait_NoSerialize

This class in intended to wrap an array for situations where a resultset can be constructed without hitting the database.

This is likely a result of a method query hitting some case where a default needs to be returned (and sending a query to the db to produce a known result is kind of silly).

it should match the vB_dB_Result interface as the two should be interchangable.

Table of Contents




__construct()  : mixed
standard constructor
__serialize()  : array<string|int, mixed>
__sleep()  : array<string|int, mixed>
__unserialize()  : void
__wakeup()  : void
db()  : mixed
free()  : mixed



standard constructor

public __construct(vB_Database $db, array<string|int, mixed> $recordset) : mixed
$db : vB_Database

-- the standard vbulletin db object (not used but the result interface requires us to return it)

$recordset : array<string|int, mixed>

-- array of arrays mimicing a db resultset


public __serialize() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


public __sleep() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


public __unserialize(array<string|int, mixed> $serialized) : void
$serialized : array<string|int, mixed>

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