vBulletin v6.1.0

vB_Mail_Smtp extends vB_Mail
in package

SMTP Mail Sending Object

This class sends email from vBulletin using an SMTP wrapper


$Date: 2010-05-29 02:50:59 +0800

Table of Contents


__construct()  : mixed
__serialize()  : array<string|int, mixed>
__sleep()  : array<string|int, mixed>
__unserialize()  : void
__wakeup()  : void
emailFloodCheck()  : mixed
encodeForHeader()  : string
Escape text for inclusion in an email header.
execMailQueue()  : mixed
Reads the email message queue and delivers a number of pending emails to the message sender
fetchLibrary()  : vB_Mail
Factory method for mail.
getPostTextForEmail()  : string
Escape node rawtext and convert linebreaks to br tags for HTML emails
getPreviewTextForEmail()  : string
Generate node preview text for HTML emails. Note that HTML in the original rawtext is escaped as part part of generating the preview text. Meant to be used together with wrapPreviewTextForEmail(). Split up because this can be cached for multiple recipients.
getWrappedPreviewTextForEmail()  : string
Equivalent to calling vB_Mail::wrapPreviewTextForEmail(getPreviewTextForEmail(...),...) . Meant for single-recipient emails only
prepareMail()  : bool
Starts the process of sending an email - preps it so it's fully ready to send.
quickSet()  : mixed
Set all the necessary variables for sending a message.
send()  : bool
Send the mail.
setDebug()  : mixed
Sets the debug member
setTestMode()  : mixed
start()  : bool
Starts the process of sending an email - preps it so it's fully ready to send.
start2()  : bool
Starts the process of sending an email - preps it so it's fully ready to send.
vbmail()  : bool
Starts the process of sending an email - either immediately or by adding it to the mail queue.
vbmail2()  : bool
Starts the process of sending an email - either immediately or by adding it to the mail queue.
vbmailEnd()  : mixed
Stop adding mail to the mail queue and insert the mailqueue data for sending later
vbmailStart()  : mixed
Begin adding email to the mail queue
vbmailWithUnsubscribe()  : mixed
wrapPreviewTextForEmail()  : string
Generate node preview text for HTML emails. Note that HTML in the original rawtext is escaped as part part of generating the preview text. Meant to be used together with getPreviewTextForEmail(). Split up because this cannot be cached for multiple recipients, as it depends on languageid.




public __construct() : mixed


public __serialize() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


public __sleep() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


public __unserialize(array<string|int, mixed> $serialized) : void
$serialized : array<string|int, mixed>


public static emailFloodCheck() : mixed


Escape text for inclusion in an email header.

public static encodeForHeader(string $text) : string
$text : string
Return values

Escaped header fragment


Reads the email message queue and delivers a number of pending emails to the message sender

public static execMailQueue() : mixed


Factory method for mail.

public static fetchLibrary([bool $deferred = false ]) : vB_Mail
$deferred : bool = false

Whether mail sending can be deferred

Return values


Escape node rawtext and convert linebreaks to br tags for HTML emails

public static getPostTextForEmail(string $rawtext, string $htmlstate, vB_Utility_String $stringUtil) : string
$rawtext : string
$htmlstate : string
$stringUtil : vB_Utility_String
Return values


Generate node preview text for HTML emails. Note that HTML in the original rawtext is escaped as part part of generating the preview text. Meant to be used together with wrapPreviewTextForEmail(). Split up because this can be cached for multiple recipients.

public static getPreviewTextForEmail(string $rawtext, string $htmlstate, vB_Utility_String $stringUtil) : string
$rawtext : string
$htmlstate : string
$stringUtil : vB_Utility_String
Return values


Equivalent to calling vB_Mail::wrapPreviewTextForEmail(getPreviewTextForEmail(...),...) . Meant for single-recipient emails only

public static getWrappedPreviewTextForEmail(string $rawtext, string $htmlstate, vB_Utility_String $stringUtil, int $languageid) : string
$rawtext : string
$htmlstate : string
$stringUtil : vB_Utility_String
$languageid : int
Return values


Starts the process of sending an email - preps it so it's fully ready to send.

public prepareMail(string $toemail, string $subject, string $message[, string $from = '' ][, string $uheaders = '' ][, string $username = '' ][, string $contentType = 'text/html' ][, mixed $extra = [] ]) : bool

Call send() to actually send it.

$toemail : string

Destination email address

$subject : string

Email message subject

$message : string

Email message body

$from : string = ''

Optional name/email to use in 'From' header

$uheaders : string = ''

Additional headers

$username : string = ''

Username of person sending the email

$contentType : string = 'text/html'

Encoding for mail.

$extra : mixed = []
Return values

True on success, false on failure


Set all the necessary variables for sending a message.

public quickSet(string $toemail, string $subject, string $message, string $headers, string $fromemail) : mixed
$toemail : string

Destination address

$subject : string


$message : string


$headers : string

All headers to be sent with the message

$fromemail : string

Sender email


Send the mail.

public send([bool $force_send = false ]) : bool

Note: If you define DISABLE_MAIL in config.php as: delimited email addresses - Only mail for the recipients will be sent .log - Mail will be logged to the given file if writable any other value - Mail will be disabled

$force_send : bool = false

If true, DISABLE_MAIL will be ignored.

Return values

True on success, false on failure


Sets the debug member

public setDebug(mixed $debug) : mixed
$debug : mixed



public static setTestMode([int $mode = 0 ]) : mixed
$mode : int = 0


Starts the process of sending an email - preps it so it's fully ready to send.

public start(string $toemail, string $subject, string $message[, string $from = '' ][, string $uheaders = '' ][, string $username = '' ][, string $contentType = 'text/plain' ][, mixed $extra = [] ]) : bool

use prepareMail()

Call send() to actually send it.

$toemail : string

Destination email address

$subject : string

Email message subject

$message : string

Email message body

$from : string = ''

Optional name/email to use in 'From' header

$uheaders : string = ''

Additional headers

$username : string = ''

Username of person sending the email

$contentType : string = 'text/plain'

Encoding for mail.

$extra : mixed = []
Return values

True on success, false on failure


Starts the process of sending an email - preps it so it's fully ready to send.

public start2(string $toemail, string $subject, string $message[, string $from = '' ][, string $uheaders = '' ][, string $username = '' ][, string $contentType = 'text/html' ][, mixed $extra = [] ]) : bool

use prepareMail()

Call send() to actually send it.

$toemail : string

Destination email address

$subject : string

Email message subject

$message : string

Email message body

$from : string = ''

Optional name/email to use in 'From' header

$uheaders : string = ''

Additional headers

$username : string = ''

Username of person sending the email

$contentType : string = 'text/html'

Encoding for mail.

$extra : mixed = []
Return values

True on success, false on failure


Starts the process of sending an email - either immediately or by adding it to the mail queue.

public static vbmail(string $toemail, string $subject, string $message[, bool $sendnow = false ][, string $from = '' ][, string $uheaders = '' ][, string $username = '' ][, bool $skipFloodCheck = false ][, string $contentType = 'text/plain' ][, mixed $extra = [] ]) : bool

use vbmail2() for html emails

$toemail : string

Destination email address

$subject : string

Email message subject

$message : string

Email message body

$sendnow : bool = false

If true, do not use the mail queue and send immediately

$from : string = ''

Optional name/email to use in 'From' header

$uheaders : string = ''

Additional headers

$username : string = ''

Username of person sending the email

$skipFloodCheck : bool = false

If true, the flood check will be skipped

$contentType : string = 'text/plain'

Content type for email.

$extra : mixed = []
Return values


Starts the process of sending an email - either immediately or by adding it to the mail queue.

public static vbmail2(string $toemail, string $subject, string $message[, bool $sendnow = false ][, string $from = '' ][, string $uheaders = '' ][, string $username = '' ][, bool $skipFloodCheck = false ][, string $contentType = 'text/html' ][, mixed $extra = [] ]) : bool
$toemail : string

Destination email address

$subject : string

Email message subject

$message : string

Email message body

$sendnow : bool = false

If true, do not use the mail queue and send immediately

$from : string = ''

Optional name/email to use in 'From' header

$uheaders : string = ''

Additional headers

$username : string = ''

Username of person sending the email

$skipFloodCheck : bool = false

If true, the flood check will be skipped

$contentType : string = 'text/html'

Content type for email.

$extra : mixed = []
Return values


Stop adding mail to the mail queue and insert the mailqueue data for sending later

public static vbmailEnd() : mixed


Begin adding email to the mail queue

public static vbmailStart() : mixed


public static vbmailWithUnsubscribe(array<string|int, mixed> $recipientData, array<string|int, mixed> $mailContent[, array<string|int, mixed> $vbMailOptions = [] ]) : mixed
$recipientData : array<string|int, mixed>
$mailContent : array<string|int, mixed>
$vbMailOptions : array<string|int, mixed> = []


Generate node preview text for HTML emails. Note that HTML in the original rawtext is escaped as part part of generating the preview text. Meant to be used together with getPreviewTextForEmail(). Split up because this cannot be cached for multiple recipients, as it depends on languageid.

public static wrapPreviewTextForEmail(string $previewtext, int $languageid) : string
$previewtext : string

from vB_Mail::getPreviewTextForEmail()

$languageid : int

email recipient's languageid

Return values

Post snippet wrapped with the appropriate prefix based on emailpreview setting

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