extends vB_Library
in package
Table of Contents
- __serialize() : array<string|int, mixed>
- __sleep() : array<string|int, mixed>
- __unserialize() : void
- __wakeup() : void
- clearCache() : mixed
- delete() : void
- Delete an user rank
- deleteForUsergroup() : mixed
- Delete all user ranks based for a given usergroup
- fetchAll() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Fetch All user ranks
- fetchById() : array<string|int, mixed>
- Fetch Userrank By RankID
- getContentInstance() : mixed
- getRankHtml() : string
- Gets the current rank for a user.
- haveRanks() : mixed
- Determines if we have ranks defined in the system. This allows us to determine if we even need to worry about changing a user's rank.
- instance() : static
- Returns singleton instance of self.
- monitorWords() : mixed
- Checks if the text contains monitored words, and if so, sends notifications to admins and moderators if the setting is on.
- save() : int
- Insert a new user rank or update existing user rank
__serialize() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>__sleep()
__sleep() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>__unserialize()
__unserialize(array<string|int, mixed> $serialized) : void
- $serialized : array<string|int, mixed>
__wakeup() : void
static clearCache() : mixed
Delete an user rank
delete(int $rankid) : void
- $rankid : int
The ID of user rank to be deleted
Delete all user ranks based for a given usergroup
deleteForUsergroup(int $usergroupid) : mixed
This is primarily intended for cleanup when a usergroup is deleted.
- $usergroupid : int
The usergroup to clear the ranks for.
Fetch All user ranks
fetchAll() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —Array of user ranks
Fetch Userrank By RankID
fetchById(int $rankid) : array<string|int, mixed>
- $rankid : int
Rank ID
Return values
array<string|int, mixed> —User rank information
static getContentInstance(mixed $contenttypeid) : mixed
- $contenttypeid : mixed
Gets the current rank for a user.
getRankHtml(array<string|int, mixed> $userinfo) : string
Intended to allow updating the user after a change is made.
We use the following logic to find the ranks for a user.
A rank is a match if
* We our user has greater than or equal to the min post count for the rank
- We are a member of the ranks group (or the rank is set to all user groups)
- If we are set to only match the display group then our display group is the same as the rank group If the rank is set to "all groups" and set to only match a display group then we match the rank if we have not matched a previous rank.
Additionally we will not consider any ranks if we have previously matched a rank for the same usergroup with a higher minimum post count. If there are several ranks with the same user group and post count that match we will select all of them if they are the highest that match. For this purpose ranks set to "all groups" are considered their own usergroup (that is we will select up to one rank per usergroup and one for "all usergroups" assuming we do not select multiple ranks with the same postcount).
Note that there is undocumented (in the UI) behavior surrounding the seemingly nonsensical combination of "all groups" and "display group = this group". We specifically only match the group if we haven't matched a previous ranks (for any usergroup, not just "all groups"). As an additional quirk, if we would match an "all group" rank with a lower post count and without the display group flag set we will match the rank with the display group flag instead, which seems inconsistant (this is because we encounter the higher post cont rank first in process order and make a decision on it before looking at the ranks farther down -- and when we encounter the lower ranks we've already selected the higher count rank for all groups and therefore we do not consider the lower rank for inclusion).
This behavior was clearly done for a reason (based the specifical inclusion of code to handle that case), however the reasons for it are lost to history. It does not appear to be a widely used case in the wild. The current thinking is that it is not a useful feature and we should consider it an error to enter a rank in that state. The logic has not yet been changed to reflect this (its been that way for a long time and doesn't appear to be hurting anything).
- $userinfo : array<string|int, mixed>
The user info array. We currently only use the following fields posts:int startedtopics:int joindate:unixtime reputation:int totallikes:int usergroupid:int displaygroupid:int
Return values
string —The user rank html
Determines if we have ranks defined in the system. This allows us to determine if we even need to worry about changing a user's rank.
haveRanks() : mixed
Returns singleton instance of self.
static instance(mixed $class) : static
- $class : mixed
Return values
static —- Reference to singleton instance of the requested library class
Checks if the text contains monitored words, and if so, sends notifications to admins and moderators if the setting is on.
monitorWords(mixed $text, mixed $type, mixed $nodeid[, mixed $userid = null ][, mixed $insertNotifications = true ][, mixed $currentuserid = 0 ]) : mixed
use the functions from the notification library directly.
- $text : mixed
- $type : mixed
- $nodeid : mixed
- $userid : mixed = null
- $insertNotifications : mixed = true
- $currentuserid : mixed = 0
Insert a new user rank or update existing user rank
save(array<string|int, mixed> $data[, int $rankid = 0 ]) : int
- $data : array<string|int, mixed>
User rank data to be inserted or updated 'active' => Bool Active. 'grouping' => String Grouping tag 'priority' => Int Priority for grouped user ranks 'ranklevel' => Int Number of times to repeat rank 'usergroupid' => Int Usergroup 'minposts' => Int Minimum Posts 'startedtopics' => Int Minimum Topics 'registrationtime' => Int Minimum time since registration, in seconds 'reputation' => Int Minimum Reputation Level 'totallikes' => Int Minimum Likes from other users 'stack' => Bool Stack Rank. 'display' => 0|1 Display Type. 0 - Always, 1 - If Displaygroup = This Group 'rankimg' => String User Rank File Path (only used if rankhtml is empty) 'rankhtml' => String User Rank HTML Text (if not empty rankimg will be ignored)
- $rankid : int = 0
If not 0, it's the ID of the user rank to be updated
Return values
int —New rank's ID or updated rank's ID