vBulletin v6.1.0

vB_Library_Phrase extends vB_Library
in package




Table of Contents


VALID_CLASS  = 'A-Za-z0-9_\.\[\]'
Characters that are valid for use in a phrase varname. Alphanumeric and underscore (_) are commonly used everywhere. CKEditor phrase varnames use periods (.), and help phrase varnames use square brackets ([]).


__serialize()  : array<string|int, mixed>
__sleep()  : array<string|int, mixed>
__unserialize()  : void
__wakeup()  : void
cleanGuidForPhrase()  : string
Cleans a guid to match phrase valid class (self::VALID_CLASS).
clearCache()  : mixed
deleteByVarname()  : void
Deletes a phrase from all languages
doShortcodeReplacements()  : mixed
getBasePhrases()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Fetch raw phrases from the master language
getContentInstance()  : mixed
getLanguageid()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Fetch the "best" languageid in the order of current session's languageid, the default languageid from datastore, or the master languageid (-1).
getPhrases()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Fetch raw phrases
instance()  : static
Returns singleton instance of self.
isValidPhraseSnippet()  : bool
Checks that a string is a valid snippet for building custom phrase names
monitorWords()  : mixed
Checks if the text contains monitored words, and if so, sends notifications to admins and moderators if the setting is on.
parsePhrases()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Handled output from query from fetch() and fetchByGroup()
renamePhrase()  : mixed
renderPhrase()  : string
Renders the tokens in a string with the given values.
renderPhrases()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns rendered phrases from phrase strings and/or data
renderPhrasesNoShortcode()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns rendered phrases from phrase strings and/or data
replaceOptionsAndConfigValuesInPhrase()  : string
Replaces instances of vBulletin options and config variables in a phrase with the value held in the variable.
save()  : void
Add a new phrase or update an existing phrase
saveCustom()  : mixed
saveMaster()  : mixed
saveRoot()  : void
Save phrase as either a master or a custom phrase
setPhraseDate()  : mixed
Resets the phrase cachebuster date.
updatePhraseMeta()  : mixed



Characters that are valid for use in a phrase varname. Alphanumeric and underscore (_) are commonly used everywhere. CKEditor phrase varnames use periods (.), and help phrase varnames use square brackets ([]).

public string VALID_CLASS = 'A-Za-z0-9_\.\[\]'



public __serialize() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


public __sleep() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


public __unserialize(array<string|int, mixed> $serialized) : void
$serialized : array<string|int, mixed>


Cleans a guid to match phrase valid class (self::VALID_CLASS).

public cleanGuidForPhrase(string $guid) : string

This is used to build phrases for import items. Example: title and description for pages - 'page_' . $guidforphrase . 'title' - 'page' . $guidforphrase . '_description'

$guid : string

GUID string.

Return values

GUID for phrase.


public static clearCache() : mixed


Deletes a phrase from all languages

public deleteByVarname(string|array<string|int, mixed> $varname[, bool $skipBuildLanguage = false ]) : void
$varname : string|array<string|int, mixed>

-- name of the string. If an array of strings then all phrases will be deleted.

$skipBuildLanguage : bool = false

-- if true skip rebuilding the language


public doShortcodeReplacements(mixed $phrases[, mixed $userid = null ]) : mixed
$phrases : mixed
$userid : mixed = null


Fetch raw phrases from the master language

public getBasePhrases(array<string|int, mixed>|string $phrases) : array<string|int, mixed>

This will pull the phrases from the either the custom phrases or master language even if a translation is available in the user's language. It is mostly intended for fetching phrase values for editing purposes.

Note that these are not suitable for display to the user as is since many phrases have placeholders and this will not substitute them. It is available in situations where the client expects to render the phrases itself (particularly in situations where the phrase can be cached and reused client side).

$phrases : array<string|int, mixed>|string

An array of phraseids to be fetched, a string will be treatd as an array of one phraseid

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

-- 'phrases' -- [phraseid => phrase value]


public static getContentInstance(mixed $contenttypeid) : mixed
$contenttypeid : mixed


Fetch the "best" languageid in the order of current session's languageid, the default languageid from datastore, or the master languageid (-1).

public getLanguageid([bool $getCharset = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

This is the languageid that's used by fetch().

$getCharset : bool = false

(Optional) true to also return charset of current languageid. Default false.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

'languageid' => languageid used for current session's phrases


Fetch raw phrases

public getPhrases(array<string|int, mixed>|string $phrases, int $languageid) : array<string|int, mixed>

Note that these are not suitable for display to the user as is since many phrases have placeholders and this will not substitute them. It is available in situations where the client expects to render the phrases itself (particularly in situations where the phrase can be cached and reused client side).

$phrases : array<string|int, mixed>|string

An array of phraseids to be fetched, a string will be treatd as an array of one phraseid

$languageid : int

Language ID. If passed a 0, use the current user/forum default language.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

-- 'phrases' -- [phraseid => phrase value]


Returns singleton instance of self.

public static instance(mixed $class) : static
$class : mixed
Return values
  • Reference to singleton instance of the requested library class


Checks that a string is a valid snippet for building custom phrase names

public isValidPhraseSnippet(string $snippet) : bool
@param string $string
$snippet : string
Return values


Checks if the text contains monitored words, and if so, sends notifications to admins and moderators if the setting is on.

public monitorWords(mixed $text, mixed $type, mixed $nodeid[, mixed $userid = null ][, mixed $insertNotifications = true ][, mixed $currentuserid = 0 ]) : mixed

use the functions from the notification library directly.

$text : mixed
$type : mixed
$nodeid : mixed
$userid : mixed = null
$insertNotifications : mixed = true
$currentuserid : mixed = 0


Handled output from query from fetch() and fetchByGroup()

public parsePhrases(mixed $phrasesdata[, mixed $phrases = [] ][, mixed $languageid = -1 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$phrasesdata : mixed
$phrases : mixed = []
$languageid : mixed = -1
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Phrases phrases


public renamePhrase(mixed $oldname, mixed $newname[, mixed $skipBuildLanguage = false ]) : mixed
$oldname : mixed
$newname : mixed
$skipBuildLanguage : mixed = false


Renders the tokens in a string with the given values.

public renderPhrase(string $phrasestring, array<string|int, mixed> $args) : string
$phrasestring : string
  • The phrase string to render. This isn't the phrase ID but rather the loaded phrase transformed into the sprintf format.
$args : array<string|int, mixed>
  • The values to parse into the phrase
Return values
  • The resulting string


Returns rendered phrases from phrase strings and/or data

public renderPhrases(array<string|int, mixed> $phrases[, int $languageid = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$phrases : array<string|int, mixed>

. Array of phrases to rendered. Each item is either a phrase_string or an array of form (phrase_string, param1, param2, ...) (standard phrase format). The keys of this array will be preserved and used to index the corresponding rendered phrase on return.

$languageid : int = null

. The languageid to use to render the phrases. The default (null) means use the value for the current session/user. The value of 0 means use the site default -- this should generally not be passed as a hardcoded value but is useful because that is a value the user can set as their languge.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

'phrases' => ['key' => rendered phrase]


Returns rendered phrases from phrase strings and/or data

public renderPhrasesNoShortcode(array<string|int, mixed> $phrases[, int $languageid = null ]) : array<string|int, mixed>

In some circumstances, primarily email, we need to defer shortcode replacement because we need to handle things for a user other than the current logged in user (many of the shortcodes are user specific). This allows us to do that.

$phrases : array<string|int, mixed>

. Array of phrases to rendered. Each item is either a phrase_string or an array of form (phrase_string, param1, param2, ...) (standard phrase format). The keys of this array will be preserved and used to index the corresponding rendered phrase on return.

$languageid : int = null

. The languageid to use to render the phrases. The default (null) means use the value for the current session/user. The value of 0 means use the site default -- this should generally not be passed as a hardcoded value but is useful because that is a value the user can set as their languge.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

'phrases' => ['key' => rendered phrase]


Replaces instances of vBulletin options and config variables in a phrase with the value held in the variable.

public replaceOptionsAndConfigValuesInPhrase(string $text) : string

This function currently supports variables such as $vbulletin->config[xxx][yyy] and $vbulletin->options[xxx], and is intended to be used in Admin CP phrases, primarily help phrases.

This function is placed here in the spirit of DRY, since it's needed in various places, and for namespacing. It's not dependent on anything else in the phrase library.

$text : string

The phrase text

Return values

The phrase text after replacements are done.


Add a new phrase or update an existing phrase

public save(string $fieldname, string $varname, array<string|int, mixed> $data[, bool $skipBuildLanguage = false ]) : void
$fieldname : string

New Phrase Type for adding, old Phrase Type for editing

$varname : string

New Varname for adding, old Varname for editing

$data : array<string|int, mixed>

Phrase data to be added or updated 'text' => Phrase text array. 'oldvarname' => Old varname for editing only 'oldfieldname' => Old fieldname for editing only 't' => 'ismaster' => 'product' => Product ID of the phrase

$skipBuildLanguage : bool = false

(Optional) Set to true to skip build_language() call. Used by the page importer to delay build_language until the old page title & desc restore queries are finished.


public saveCustom(mixed $product, mixed $fieldname, mixed $phrasename, mixed $value[, mixed $skipBuildLanguage = false ]) : mixed
$product : mixed
$fieldname : mixed
$phrasename : mixed
$value : mixed
$skipBuildLanguage : mixed = false


public saveMaster(mixed $product, mixed $fieldname, mixed $phrasename, mixed $value[, mixed $skipBuildLanguage = false ]) : mixed
$product : mixed
$fieldname : mixed
$phrasename : mixed
$value : mixed
$skipBuildLanguage : mixed = false


Save phrase as either a master or a custom phrase

public saveRoot(string $product, string $fieldname, string $phrasename, string $value, bool $isCustom[, bool $skipBuildLanguage = false ]) : void

Unlike saveMaster or saveCustom if the phrase already exits it's state will be changed to match the requested state.

$product : string
$fieldname : string
$phrasename : string
$value : string
$isCustom : bool
$skipBuildLanguage : bool = false


Resets the phrase cachebuster date.

public setPhraseDate() : mixed


public updatePhraseMeta(mixed $product, mixed $phrasenames) : mixed
$product : mixed
$phrasenames : mixed

On this page

Search results