vBulletin v6.1.0

vB_Library_Facebook extends vB_Library
in package


Table of Contents


FBVERSION  = 'v15.0'


__serialize()  : array<string|int, mixed>
__sleep()  : array<string|int, mixed>
__unserialize()  : void
__wakeup()  : void
clearCache()  : mixed
clearSession()  : void
Clear all stored information for the current user from vB This will not log the user out of either vB or Facebook (but is is expected that this will be called as part of logging the user out of the vBulletin)
connectCurrentUser()  : void
Connects the currently logged in user to the currently logged in Facebook user
createSessionForLogin()  : mixed
Associate a vb account with a facebook sesssion
disconnectUser()  : void
Disconnect the user's account from facebook
getContentInstance()  : mixed
getFbProfilePicUrl()  : string|false
Get the logged in user's profile picture url.
getFbProfileUrl()  : string|false
Get the logged in user's profile url.
getFbUserInfo()  : mixed
Grabs logged in user info from faceboook if user is logged in
getInitializeFailureMessage()  : string
Get the reason why facebook failed to initialize
getLoggedInFbUserId()  : mixed
Checks for a currrently logged in user through facebook api
getVbUseridFromFbUserid()  : mixed
Checks if current facebook user is associated with a vb user, and returns vb userid if so
instance()  : static
Returns singleton instance of self.
isFacebookEnabled()  : bool
Is facebook enabled on this site.
isValidAuthToken()  : mixed
Verifies that the current session auth token is still valid with facebook - performs a Facebook roundtrip
monitorWords()  : mixed
Checks if the text contains monitored words, and if so, sends notifications to admins and moderators if the setting is on.
reinitialize()  : bool
Reintialize the facebook application
userIsLoggedIn()  : bool
Checks if the current user is logged into facebook



public mixed FBVERSION = 'v15.0'



public __serialize() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


public __sleep() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


public __unserialize(array<string|int, mixed> $serialized) : void
$serialized : array<string|int, mixed>


public static clearCache() : mixed


Clear all stored information for the current user from vB This will not log the user out of either vB or Facebook (but is is expected that this will be called as part of logging the user out of the vBulletin)

public clearSession() : void

Will do nothing if facebook is not initialized.


Connects the currently logged in user to the currently logged in Facebook user

public connectCurrentUser([string $accessToken = null ]) : void

Note that we don't allow connection of a non logged in account because we need to validate the FB login. Connecting somebody else's account to a FB just doesn't make sense as an action.

$accessToken : string = null

. The facebook access token to verify the FB login


Associate a vb account with a facebook sesssion

public createSessionForLogin(array<string|int, mixed> $info) : mixed
$info : array<string|int, mixed>

. The various information needed for the provider to log in for facebook. One of 'token' or 'signedrequest' must be provided. If both are then 'token' will be tried first.

  • 'token' string the facebook access/oAuth token. (optional)
  • 'signedrequest' string the facebook signedrequest. this is a one use token that can be used to retrieve the auth token. (optional)


Disconnect the user's account from facebook

public disconnectUser(int $userid) : void

Unlike previous behavior do not require that the user be logged in to facebook This causes a situation where if the user mucks with the association on the FB end they can screw it up to the point where it doesn't work. And they can't just reassociate the account because they can't log in to disconnect.

$userid : int

the userid to be disconnected.


public static getContentInstance(mixed $contenttypeid) : mixed
$contenttypeid : mixed


Get the logged in user's profile picture url.

public getFbProfilePicUrl() : string|false
Return values

facebook profile picture url or false on failure (forex, there is no logged in FB user)


Get the logged in user's profile url.

public getFbProfileUrl() : string|false
Return values

facebook profile url or false on failure (forex, there is no logged in FB user)


Grabs logged in user info from faceboook if user is logged in

public getFbUserInfo([mixed $force_reload = false ]) : mixed
$force_reload : mixed = false

array, fb userinfo array if logged in, false otherwise, see the facebook '/me' docs for details


Get the reason why facebook failed to initialize

public getInitializeFailureMessage() : string
Return values

Reason why initialization failed


Checks for a currrently logged in user through facebook api

public getLoggedInFbUserId() : mixed

mixed, fb userid if logged in, false otherwise


Checks if current facebook user is associated with a vb user, and returns vb userid if so

public getVbUseridFromFbUserid([mixed $fb_userid = false ]) : mixed
$fb_userid : mixed = false

mixed, vb userid if one is associated, false if not


Returns singleton instance of self.

public static instance(mixed $class) : static
$class : mixed
Return values
  • Reference to singleton instance of the requested library class


Is facebook enabled on this site.

public isFacebookEnabled() : bool
Return values

true if the facebook system initialized properly, false otherwise note that if we get an error this may be false even if facebook is configured in the admincp.


Verifies that the current session auth token is still valid with facebook - performs a Facebook roundtrip

public isValidAuthToken() : mixed

bool, true if auth token is still valid


Checks if the text contains monitored words, and if so, sends notifications to admins and moderators if the setting is on.

public monitorWords(mixed $text, mixed $type, mixed $nodeid[, mixed $userid = null ][, mixed $insertNotifications = true ][, mixed $currentuserid = 0 ]) : mixed

use the functions from the notification library directly.

$text : mixed
$type : mixed
$nodeid : mixed
$userid : mixed = null
$insertNotifications : mixed = true
$currentuserid : mixed = 0


Reintialize the facebook application

public reinitialize() : bool

If for some reason the FB status changes during a script run (for example you enable it in the vb option) this will force an attempt to recheck its status. Otherwise we will store the status based on the first attempt.

If the intiailization fails, the reason can be determeined via vB_Library_Facebook::getInitializeFailureMessage();

Return values

false if it failed, true if not


Checks if the current user is logged into facebook

public userIsLoggedIn([bool $ping = false ]) : bool
$ping : bool = false

Whether to ping Facebook (unused)

Return values

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