vBulletin v6.1.0

vB_Exception_Router extends vB_Exception
in package

Routing Exception Exception thrown when an error occurs with the router or routing.

Table of Contents


__construct()  : mixed
__serialize()  : array<string|int, mixed>
__sleep()  : array<string|int, mixed>
__toString()  : mixed
Magic method.
__unserialize()  : void
__wakeup()  : void
getFullTrace()  : string
Returns the stack trace for an exception
isCritical()  : bool
Checks if an exception is considered critical.
logError()  : mixed
Logs details of the error.
mailError()  : mixed
Sends details of the error to a configured email address.
toString()  : string
Creates a string representation of the error.




public __construct(string $message[, int $code = false ][, string $file = false ][, int $line = false ]) : mixed

Checks whether the error should be logged, mailed and/or debugged.

$code, $line and $file should only be specified if the exception was thrown because of a PHP error. The code should be the PHP error level of the error. $file and $line will override where the exception was thrown from and instead be set to where the PHP error occured.

$message : string
  • A description of the error
$code : int = false
  • The PHP code of the error
$file : string = false
  • The file the exception was thrown from
$line : int = false
  • The line the exception was thrown from


public __serialize() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


public __sleep() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Magic method.

public __toString() : mixed

Seperated from toString function because __toString cannot take parameters in 5.3


public __unserialize(array<string|int, mixed> $serialized) : void
$serialized : array<string|int, mixed>


Returns the stack trace for an exception

public static getFullTrace(Exception $e) : string

The exception class provides a getTrace and getTraceAsString function, but maddeningly, these do not include the line on which the exception was thrown. This function adds that information the to the string trace and returns it

Declared as as static function so we can use this with other people's exceptions
as well as our own.
$e : Exception
Return values


Checks if an exception is considered critical.

public isCritical() : bool
Return values


Logs details of the error.

public logError() : mixed


Sends details of the error to a configured email address.

public mailError() : mixed


Creates a string representation of the error.

public toString([bool $verbose = false ]) : string

This is useful when logging or mailing the error and displays full details of the error and where it occurred, including a full stack trace.

$verbose : bool = false
  • Whether to display full details
Return values

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