vBulletin v6.1.0

vB_Api_Page extends vB_Api
in package


Table of Contents


__serialize()  : array<string|int, mixed>
__sleep()  : array<string|int, mixed>
__unserialize()  : void
__wakeup()  : void
callNamed()  : The
Call the given api function by name with a named arguments list.
checkApiState()  : mixed
This method checks whether the API method is enabled.
checkCustomUrl()  : bool
This is used for setting a custom url to make sure that the new url is valid as a prefix
clearCache()  : mixed
Clears all previously loaded API objects.
convertNodeIdToPageNumber()  : array{pagenumber: int}
Converts a nodeid (usually fetched from vB_Api_Node::getFirstChildAfterTime()) to a page number based.
delete()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Deletes a page
deleteOrphanedPagetemplates()  : mixed
fetchPageById()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get information for a page
fetchRouteClass()  : mixed
Returns the pagetemplate record given a pageid
fetchScreenLayoutList()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Returns a list of all "selectable" screen layouts. Currently excludes the "bare full" layout, which is used specifically for the PM Chat window.
getApiClassName()  : mixed
getHomePages()  : mixed
Returns a list of pages to show as the home page options in quick config
getOrphanedPagetemplates()  : mixed
getPageNav()  : mixed
getPagesForPageViewPermissions()  : mixed
Return data for pages that are eligible for view permission modifications.
getPagingInfo()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get pagination information for frontend use
getQryCount()  : array<string|int, mixed>
This returns the number and type of database asserts. This is similar to but a bit smaller than the number of queries executed.
getURLs()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get URLs for use in sitebuilder's page manager, navigation bar & footer.
instance()  : vB_Api
Returns an instance of the API object which translates exceptions to an array Use this method for API clients.
instanceInternal()  : vB_Api
Returns an instance of the API object which doesn't handle exceptions This should only be used in other API objects, not for clients of the API
isGlobalDisplaySection()  : bool
Determines if the section is a global display section (displays on all pages)
map_vb4_input_to_vb5()  : string
Returns vb5 api method name.
map_vb5_errors_to_vb4()  : mixed
Alters the error array in any way necessary to interface correctly with vb4.
map_vb5_output_to_vb4()  : mixed
Alters the output array in any way necessary to interface correctly with vb4.
pageSave()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Saves a page based on page editor info
preload()  : mixed
This preloads information for the current page.
savePreCacheInfo()  : mixed
This saves preload information for the current page.
setAsHomePage()  : mixed



public __serialize() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


public __sleep() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


public __unserialize(array<string|int, mixed> $serialized) : void
$serialized : array<string|int, mixed>


Call the given api function by name with a named arguments list.

public callNamed() : The

Used primarily to translate REST requests into API calls.

Return values

return of the method or an error if the method doesn't exist, or is static, a constructor or destructor, or otherwise shouldn't be callable as and API method. It is also an error if the value of a paramater is not provided and that parameter doesn't have a default value.


This method checks whether the API method is enabled.

public checkApiState(mixed $method) : mixed

For extensions check make sure $controller property is already set.

$method : mixed


This is used for setting a custom url to make sure that the new url is valid as a prefix

public checkCustomUrl(string $prefixCandidate) : bool
$prefixCandidate : string

-- the 'resturl' to be checked

Return values

-- true if no reserved characters are used in the url AND it is unique


Clears all previously loaded API objects.

public static clearCache() : mixed

Intended for use in tests where the loading pattern can cause issues with objects that cache thier own data.


Converts a nodeid (usually fetched from vB_Api_Node::getFirstChildAfterTime()) to a page number based.

public convertNodeIdToPageNumber(int $nodeid, int $resultsPerPage, string|null $type[, string $sort = 'ASC' ]) : array{pagenumber: int}
$nodeid : int
$resultsPerPage : int
$type : string|null

Usually a "filter_show" contenttype filter if any is set.

$sort : string = 'ASC'

"ASC" for thread view, "DESC" for stream view.

Return values
array{pagenumber: int}


Deletes a page

public delete(int $pageid) : array<string|int, mixed>
$pageid : int
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

success=>true or success=>false and an error array


public deleteOrphanedPagetemplates(mixed $pagetemplateids) : mixed
$pagetemplateids : mixed


Get information for a page

public fetchPageById(int $pageid[, array<string|int, mixed> $routeData = [] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$pageid : int
$routeData : array<string|int, mixed> = []

-- The needed to render this pages route. Will vary by page

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>
pageid int
parentid int -- the parent page (currently unused)

pagetemplateid int title string metadescription string -- the metadescription to display when page is rendered as html routeid int -- route associated with this page moderatorid int -- need to determine displayorder int -- the order to display page when displaying lists of pages pagetype string -- default or custom depending of if this is a page we install with the system product string -- product the page belongs to 'vbulletin' for pages created by the system and via the admincp guid string -- globally unique identifier screenlayoutid int -- layout for the page screenlayouttemplate string -- name of the layout template templatetitle string -- need to determine isgeneric boolean -- DEPRECATED true if this is of type default urlprefix string -- prefix for the route url string -- url generated from the route -- will be relative to the frontend base urlscheme string -- DEPRECATED -- will be blank urlhostname string -- DEPRECATED -- will be blank noindex boolean -- should this page be indexed. nofollow boolean -- should this page be followed.


Returns the pagetemplate record given a pageid

public fetchRouteClass(int $pageid) : mixed
$pageid : int
Return values

array with success=>true/false and usually an error array or a route class.


Returns a list of all "selectable" screen layouts. Currently excludes the "bare full" layout, which is used specifically for the PM Chat window.

public fetchScreenLayoutList([mixed $skipcache = false ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$skipcache : mixed = false
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


public static getApiClassName(mixed $controller) : mixed
$controller : mixed


Returns a list of pages to show as the home page options in quick config

public getHomePages() : mixed


public getOrphanedPagetemplates([mixed $params = [] ]) : mixed
$params : mixed = []


public getPageNav([mixed $currentpage = 1 ][, mixed $totalpages = 1 ]) : mixed
$currentpage : mixed = 1
$totalpages : mixed = 1


Return data for pages that are eligible for view permission modifications.

public getPagesForPageViewPermissions() : mixed

[ 'pages' => array of pages [ 0 => [ 'pageid' => int, 'url' => str, 'label' => str, 'html_label' => str, 'ishomeroute' => bool, ], ... ] 'totalcount' => int, count of pages above ]


Get pagination information for frontend use

public getPagingInfo([mixed $pageNum = 1 ][, mixed $totalCount = 0 ][, mixed $perPage = 0 ][, array<string|int, mixed> $routeInfo = [] ][, mixed $baseUrl = '' ][, mixed $maxpage = 0 ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$pageNum : mixed = 1
$totalCount : mixed = 0
$perPage : mixed = 0
$routeInfo : array<string|int, mixed> = []
$baseUrl : mixed = ''
$maxpage : mixed = 0
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Number of pages, start/end count, next/previous URLs


This returns the number and type of database asserts. This is similar to but a bit smaller than the number of queries executed.

public getQryCount() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

queryCount int queries array -- query strings


Get URLs for use in sitebuilder's page manager, navigation bar & footer.

public getURLs([array<string|int, mixed> $params = [] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$params : array<string|int, mixed> = []

'type' => string all|system|custom|channels|home - shorthand for includes/excludes combinations to return a subset of URLs. Warning, 'type' will OVERRIDE 'include' & 'exclude'! 'include' => array of all|system|custom|channels|home 'exclude' => array of system|custom|channels 'unpaginated' => include unpaginated list in the 'all' return array

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

Data highly customized for use in sitebuilder 'all' 'pagenav' - pagenav info for 'paginated' below 'paginated' - paginated nested list of page data 'unpaginated' - only set if $params['unpaginated'] is passed in. flat list of page data 'orphans' - list of orphaned pagetemplates


Returns an instance of the API object which translates exceptions to an array Use this method for API clients.

public static instance(string $controller[, bool $refresh_cache = false ]) : vB_Api
$controller : string

-- name of the API controller to load

$refresh_cache : bool = false

-- true if we want to force the cache to update with a new api object primarily intended for testing

Return values


Returns an instance of the API object which doesn't handle exceptions This should only be used in other API objects, not for clients of the API

public static instanceInternal(string $controller[, bool $refresh_cache = false ]) : vB_Api
$controller : string

-- name of the API controller to load

$refresh_cache : bool = false

-- true if we want to force the cache to update with a new api object primarily intended for testing

Return values


Determines if the section is a global display section (displays on all pages)

public isGlobalDisplaySection(mixed $section) : bool
$section : mixed
Return values

True if it is a global display section, otherwise false


Returns vb5 api method name.

public static map_vb4_input_to_vb5(string $method, array<string|int, mixed> &$request) : string

May alter request array.

$method : string

-- vb4 method name

$request : array<string|int, mixed>

-- $_REQUEST array for this api request

Return values


Alters the error array in any way necessary to interface correctly with vb4.

public static map_vb5_errors_to_vb4(string $method, array<string|int, mixed> &$data) : mixed
$method : string

-- vb4 method name

$data : array<string|int, mixed>

-- error array from vb5


Alters the output array in any way necessary to interface correctly with vb4.

public static map_vb5_output_to_vb4(string $method, array<string|int, mixed> &$data) : mixed
$method : string

-- vb4 method name

$data : array<string|int, mixed>

-- output array from vb5


Saves a page based on page editor info

public pageSave(array<string|int, mixed> $input) : array<string|int, mixed>
$input : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>

success boolean url string -- DEPRECATED this will not always be correct due to the lack of complete route data. See the action savePage in the front end controller for a way to generate the correct url for the updated page pageid int -- the pageid for the update or created page


This preloads information for the current page.

public preload(mixed $pageKey) : mixed
$pageKey : mixed


This saves preload information for the current page.

public savePreCacheInfo(string $pageKey) : mixed
$pageKey : string

-- the identifier for this page, which comes from the route class.


public setAsHomePage(mixed $pageid) : mixed
$pageid : mixed

On this page

Search results