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Adding and Editing Notices

Adding and Editing Notices Path to Add a New Announcement: Notices > Notices Manager and then click Add New Notice or Notices > Add New Notice.

Path to Edit or Delete an Announcement: Announcements > Announcement Manager and then click either Edit or Delete

The Notices Manager provides controls to create and edit notices for your site, and to set up criteria for when each notice should appear.

The top part of the page deals primarily with the text and HTML tagging, while the bottom of the page sets up the display criteria. Note: You must click Save for changes to take effect. Notice Details

«<Insert a screenshot of the top half of the Add New Notice page, through the “Dismissible” radio buttons.»>

Title The title is an administrative convenience only to help in identifying notices. It is never shown to visiting users. You can add multiple translations of the title text using the Translations link.

Notice HTML The Notice HTML textbox contains the text and HTML of the notice to be displayed to users when the active criteria are met. Warning: vBulletin allows any valid HTML tags here, so be sure not to include any tags that could potentially break your layout or allow site abuse. You can use the special variables {userid}, {username}, {musername} and {sessionurl} in the HTML to personalize the notice text. For example, Hello, {username}, how are you? is replaced in the actual notice by Hello, John Doe, how are you? when John Doe is logged on.

Here is a more complex example, making use of the {sessionurl} variable to make links within the site work properly: Hello, {musername].
<a href=”member.php?{sessionurl}u={userid}”View Your Profile Display Order The Display Order text box controls the order in which the notices are shown, both in the Notices Manager and to visitors. Display order also controls the order in which notices are checked, so it’s important for the ‘Notice x has not already been displayed’ condition.

Active If a notice is not active, it is be displayed to visitors under any circumstances. The Active control is useful to use when you want to temporarily disable a notice without actually deleting it completely.

Persistent A notice that is not persistent is displayed the first time a user visits the site and then disappears until he or she visits again (it is displayed once per browser-session).

Dismissible A notice that is dismissible can be dismissed by the user after viewing.

Display Criteria

The lower part of the form contains controls to set up display criteria.

«<Insert a screenshot of the bottom half of the Add New Notice page, starting with “Display this notice if…”»>

To activate a criterion, check the box next to the criteria text, and then fill in any controls that are part of that criterion.

You can activate as many criteria as you like, but if any of the active criteria are not satisfied, the notice will not show. The following is a list of criteria you can use:

User Belongs to Any user belonging to the selected usergroup will see the notice.

User does not belong to usegroup Any user that does not belong to the selected usegroup will see the notice.

User is browsing forum Any user browsing the selected forum will see the notice.

User is brown browsing forum… or one of its child forums Any user browsing the selected forum or one of its child forums will see the notice.

User is browsing using style Any user browsing the site using the selected style will see the notice.

User has not visited for (x) days or more Any user who has not visited the site for the entered number of days or more will see the notice.

User has not posted for (x) days or more Any user who has not posted for the entered number of days or more will see the notice.

User’s post count is between (x) and (y) posts Any user whose post count falls between the two entered numbers will see the notice.

User has never posted Any user who has never posted will see the notice.

User has between (x) and (y) reputation points Any user whose reputation points falls between the entered numbers will see the notice.

User has between (x) and (y) infraction points Any user whose infraction points falls between the entered numbers will see the notice.

Users private message storage is between (x)% and (y)% full Any user whose message storage falls between the entered numbers will see the notice.

User’s username is Any user who has a username that either matches or partially matches the entered username will see the notice.

User’s birthday is today Any user who has a birthday on this day will see the notice.

User landed on this page via search engine Any user who landed on the page via a search engine will see the notice.

User is in Global Ignore Any user who is in Global Ignore will see the notice.

The date is (dd-mm-yyyy) (user’s timezone/universal time) Any user on at the entered date will see the notice.

The time is between (hh:mm) and (hh:mm) (user’s timezone/universal time) Any user on between the entered times will see the notice.

Criteria for notice … are not met If the criteria for the notice are not met, a user will still see the notice.