vBulletin v6.0.4


Table of Contents

vb/api/ad.php 1
vb/api/content/attach.php 1
vb/api/content/channel.php 1
vb/api/content/photo.php 1
vb/api/content/privatemessage.php 4
vb/api/editor.php 2
vb/api/hv.php 1
vb/api/options.php 1
vb/api/page.php 2
vb/api/paidsubscription.php 1
vb/api/profile.php 4
vb/api/reputation.php 1
vb/api/search.php 2
vb/api/socialgroup.php 1
vb/api/styleschedule.php 1
vb/api/template.php 3
vb/api/vb4/album.php 15
vb/api/vb4/cms.php 10
vb/api/vb4/private.php 1
vb/api/vb4/report.php 1
vb/api/widget.php 5
vb/api.php 1
vb/bbcodehelper.php 3
vb/cache/apc.php 1
vb/cache/memcached.php 1
vb/cache.php 1
vb/database.php 1
vb/datamanager/moderator.php 2
vb/datamanager/stylevar.php 1
vb/datamanager/stylevardefn.php 1
vb/datamanager/user.php 1
vb/entity.php 1
vb/exception/404.php 1
vb/exception/critical.php 1
vb/exception/reroute.php 1
vb/exception.php 2
vb/image/gd.php 1
vb/image/imagick.php 2
vb/image.php 1
vb/library/bbcode.php 14
vb/library/content/attach.php 3
vb/library/content/channel.php 1
vb/library/content/event.php 2
vb/library/content/link.php 1
vb/library/content/poll.php 3
vb/library/content/privatemessage.php 1
vb/library/content/report.php 1
vb/library/content/text.php 2
vb/library/content/video.php 1
vb/library/fcmessaging.php 2
vb/library/language.php 1
vb/library/notification.php 4
vb/library/phrase.php 1
vb/library/product.php 1
vb/library/user.php 5
vb/library/usergroup.php 1
vb/notification/content/usermention.php 1
vb/notification/likednode.php 1
vb/notification/pollvote.php 1
vb/notification/visitormessage.php 1
vb/request/web.php 1
vb/usercontext.php 6
vb/utility/date.php 1
vb/wysiwyghtmlparser.php 5
vb/xml/import/channel.php 1
vb/xml/import/theme.php 4
vb/xml/import/widget.php 1


Type Line Description
TODO 704 Fetch criteria cache by adid


Type Line Description
TODO 665 fix below. I think this is actually a bug.


Type Line Description
TODO 498 fix this check?


Type Line Description
TODO 279 replace this with a validate ACTION_VIEW check?


Type Line Description
TODO 382 Is there any reason to delete the humanverify record after the validate() call below instead of letting the cron deal with it?
TODO 488 log these errors.
TODO 563 get this from bbcode utility in the future.
TODO 1176 remove this function. Do not simply deprecate since


Type Line Description
TODO 247 , set default values for this.
TODO 255 AND usergroup limit > 0


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TODO 91 - We need a better solution. This works for now but is homely


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TODO 391 Use phrase API to insert phrases


Type Line Description
TODO 512 check for conflicts with existing pages for $url !!
TODO 725 If there already exists a "hard coded" '/' home navitem that's NOT associated with


Type Line Description
TODO 358 vB_Template::create() has many PHP notices. We need to fix them.


Type Line Description
TODO 180 is there supposed to be an else...error here for when pathinfo's empty?
TODO 420 check that this event is triggered when modifying the content of a subchannel
TODO 1198 check that this event is triggered when modifying the content of a subchannel


Type Line Description
TODO 116 Better permission check


Type Line Description
TODO 96 $searchType shouldn't have a default value, but be explicitely declared in each call
TODO 1480 figure out how to actually implement this for photo attachments...


Type Line Description
TODO 858 this code is similar to vB_Api_Widget::saveChannel, add a library method with it?


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TODO 99 Hard-code the start time & end time to 00:00:00 & 23:59:59 in API? Or in admincp?


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TODO 605 Product API
TODO 790 Product API
TODO 1099 Product API


Type Line Description
TODO 29 Implement when vB5 is more well defined on this feature.
TODO 69 Implement when vB5 is more well defined on this feature.
TODO 88 Change this when VBV-9148 is fixed. There is no such thing as private albums in vb5 atm.
TODO 89 Change this when moderation of album pictures is respected
TODO 147 'pictureurl' => $thumbUrl,
TODO 152 , moderation?
TODO 182 'end' =>0, // TODO
TODO 188 'personalalbum' => ($album['viewperms'] == 0),
TODO 214 'messagestats' => array(
TODO 273 'caption_html' => '', // TODO
TODO 283 'prev_text_short' => '', //TODO
TODO 286 'next_text_short' => '', //TODO
TODO 309 'add_group_link' => 0, // TODO
TODO 311 'moderation' => 0, // TODO
TODO 313 ),


Type Line Description
TODO 289 should this array also have any section data?
TODO 913 spec this.
TODO 921 spec this.
TODO 1053 spec this.
TODO 1131 What's the actual analog of the list.php vB4 page???
TODO 1134 Is this the expected value??
TODO 1136 how's this used by the app?
TODO 1143 what is this
TODO 1220 What's the actual analog of the list.php vB4 page???
TODO 1222 Is this the expected value??


Type Line Description
TODO 465 when should a PM be read when fetched from MAPI?


Type Line Description
TODO 132 does the app require these error keys to have corresponding phrases in vB5 ?


Type Line Description
TODO 184 update cleanWidgetConfigData() to better handle random values coming in from above...
TODO 336 this requires a phrase fetch... see addWidgetTitles
TODO 1761 reduce code duplication without degrading readability.
TODO 2137 Optimization-- this information has probably already been queried somewhere
TODO 2454 this doesn't use pagination. If/When UI changes, use vBForum:getChannel instead


Type Line Description
TODO 420 Check if this is truly necessary with mobile team


Type Line Description
TODO 189 need a way to also remove trailing   ... I think the only way   can get in
TODO 193 ^-
TODO 346 do we need to escape smiliepath?


Type Line Description
TODO 84 This can be inherited once late static binding is available. For now it has to be redefined in the child classes


Type Line Description
TODO 101 This can be inherited once late static binding is available. For now it has to be redefined in the child classes


Type Line Description
TODO 655 Provide more options


Type Line Description
TODO 1176 -- need to clean up VB_AREA stuff


Type Line Description
TODO 141 the way we return the int value directly disallows using this method to set perms to 0.
TODO 159 the way we return the int value directly disallows using this method to set perms to 0.


Type Line Description
TODO 583 validate fontlist is a list of fonts, with "'" wrapped around font names with spaces, and each font separated with a ",".


Type Line Description
TODO 111 TEST THIS FUNCTION!!! Coded w/o testing or reference


Type Line Description
TODO 1061 we may want to allow bypasses for these types too for third party data providers. For now


Type Line Description
TODO 175 need to figure out how to differentiate between backing-field properties


Type Line Description
TODO 27 Set the reroute path from vB_Router::$App->get404Route();


Type Line Description
TODO 24 Set the reroute path from vB_Router::get500Path();


Type Line Description
TODO 26 Create methods to add the redirect message and the target route path.


Type Line Description
TODO 193 method not yet implemented
TODO 210 $this->mailed = true;


Type Line Description
TODO 1280 Do we really care that they renamed the extension??


Type Line Description
TODO 816 force rewrite image?????
TODO 968 determine based on image size (width)? whether it's best to try to fit


Type Line Description
TODO 1554 What if the marker is split between 2 chunks?


Type Line Description
TODO 113 refactor this property
TODO 148 remove $this->forumid
TODO 245 combine with $this->options?
TODO 879 discrepancy with frontend parser:
TODO 1578 edit & preview mode hit this. We may want Edit to use the existing cache...
TODO 2176 discrepancy, frontend seems to render 'video_frame' not 'bbcode_video" template?
TODO 2568 edit & preview mode hit this. We may want Edit to use the existing cache...
TODO 2818 Move to UNSHARED block at bottom
TODO 3018 This doesn't look right to me. I feel like htmlSpecialCharsUni should be outside of the
TODO 3033 can legacy attachments come through here...???
TODO 3187 Allow $size == 'icon' case for thumbs-only-channels??
TODO 4007 This doesn't look right to me. I feel like htmlSpecialCharsUni should be outside of the
TODO 4020 REPLACE USE OF unserialize() above WITH json_decode


Type Line Description
TODO 696 This needs to check signature related usergroup permissions. VBV-14819
TODO 1630 Remove need for $skipUploadPermissionCheck
TODO 1686 upload check? at the moment, all callers have already called $this->scanFileArray(...), so


Type Line Description
TODO 94 API will no longer allow this. Remove this code as well at some point.


Type Line Description
TODO 44 should this be LIB? API should've checked perms..
TODO 316 Remove this, should not be needed any longer and we can't keep supporting


Type Line Description
TODO 357 uncomment this when the editor is ready


Type Line Description
TODO 51 Why do we call this when the parent::getFullContent() already called it?
TODO 117 we need to improve this to consider voting permissions for guests.
TODO 480 Should subscribers get notifications for poll votes?


Type Line Description
TODO 1057 This isn't correct. There's no guarantee the first node (or ANY node requested here) is


Type Line Description
TODO 209 Should we push the view check out to email listing as well?


Type Line Description
TODO 1158 figure out a way to do this in bulk
TODO 1514 Some legacy attachments may not be visible due to permissions. I don't think this function


Type Line Description
TODO 244 Permission check


Type Line Description
TODO 1426 do we have to validate the device token (aka registration id)?
TODO 1469 do we have to validate the device token (aka registration id)?


Type Line Description
TODO 41 add required fields as key?


Type Line Description
TODO 255 also group by languageid for phrasing.
TODO 614 need to add heavy testing for the counts below
TODO 963 figure out how to get rid of this double call to follow API (this is also called in
TODO 1129 REFACTOR CONTENT LIBRARY'S sendEmailNotification()


Type Line Description
TODO 836 store this somewhere? -- might as well store phrases converted now to


Type Line Description
TODO 160 shouldn't subtype be empty or match $package?


Type Line Description
TODO 261 We need to skip perm checks for this so *all* user data gets caught in the net when
TODO 270 figure out what should happen with categories
TODO 2945 Restore the 'activememberdays' option and use that
TODO 3505 userfield scope for userlib saves???
TODO 5052 All of these selects are candidates for UNBUFFERED selects, when we implement it.


Type Line Description
TODO 27 This seems to only be used by the channel XML importer.


Type Line Description


Type Line Description
TODO 79 Confirm this behavior, should this be if_read instead?


Type Line Description
TODO 86 Confirm this behavior, should this be if_read instead?


Type Line Description
TODO 393 Do phrases like {1}: {2} that can be hard-coded concatenations require phrasing for


Type Line Description
TODO 43 how should we determine this?


Type Line Description
TODO 301 do we need a superadmin bypass here?
TODO 1132 do we need to allow superadmin bypass for infraction masking here?
TODO 1300 We probably need to check if any infraction groups are applied on this user and if they
TODO 1329 This needs to actually check. This is fairly complex, but it needs to check with
TODO 1471 We have a lot of cases where we do this operation:
TODO 2229 ... is this right? We don't check if the node is actually their own channel or anything?


Type Line Description
TODO 271 This isn't really "broken", just not exactly the same. Should we


Type Line Description
TODO 415 the [^>]+ breaks if there's any attribute that has > in quotes before the src attribute. We need a way to handle this.
TODO 688 update regex to also check that it is OUR server?
TODO 783 update regex to also check that it is OUR server?
TODO 1788 use stylevar
TODO 1822 use stylevar


Type Line Description
TODO 305 after talking with Ed, we decided it might be best not to allow node removal at all. Need to confirm with Kevin


Type Line Description
TODO 141 need to test that overwrite works correctly
TODO 265 Figure out what this is used for
TODO 349 should we throw an exception if no guid is provided?
TODO 742 need better check to grab REAL files only. One approach is to use a filename prefix and check for that, like how customlanguages does it


Type Line Description
TODO 814 update saved adminconfigs

Search results