vBulletin v6.0.4

vB_Library_Login extends vB_Library
in package




Table of Contents


__serialize()  : array<string|int, mixed>
__sleep()  : array<string|int, mixed>
__unserialize()  : void
__wakeup()  : void
clearCache()  : mixed
generateRememberMeToken()  : string
Generate a remember me token given a user specific token & a salt.
getContentInstance()  : mixed
importPasswordSchemes()  : void
Load the scheme files from xml files
instance()  : static
Returns singleton instance of self.
monitorWords()  : mixed
Checks if the text contains monitored words, and if so, sends notifications to admins and moderators if the setting is on.
resetMfaSecret()  : mixed
setMfaEnabled()  : mixed
setPassword()  : void
Change the password for a user
verifyMfa()  : mixed
Check the Verification Code entered by the user.
verifyPasswordFromInfo()  : mixed
Verify a login value
verifyRememberMeFromInfo()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Verify the remember token.



public __serialize() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


public __sleep() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


public __unserialize(array<string|int, mixed> $serialized) : void
$serialized : array<string|int, mixed>


public static clearCache() : mixed


Generate a remember me token given a user specific token & a salt.

public generateRememberMeToken(mixed $passwordtoken, mixed $salt) : string

Public to allow hookLoginInternal hooks to generate token as part of their custom login handling.

$passwordtoken : mixed
$salt : mixed
Return values

Generated "Remember Me" token. Usually set to the "password" cookie.


public static getContentInstance(mixed $contenttypeid) : mixed
$contenttypeid : mixed


Load the scheme files from xml files

public importPasswordSchemes() : void


Returns singleton instance of self.

public static instance(mixed $class) : static
$class : mixed
Return values
  • Reference to singleton instance of the requested library class


Checks if the text contains monitored words, and if so, sends notifications to admins and moderators if the setting is on.

public monitorWords(mixed $text, mixed $type, mixed $nodeid[, mixed $userid = null ][, mixed $insertNotifications = true ][, mixed $currentuserid = 0 ]) : mixed
$text : mixed
$type : mixed
$nodeid : mixed
$userid : mixed = null
$insertNotifications : mixed = true
$currentuserid : mixed = 0

use the functions from the notification library directly.


public resetMfaSecret(mixed $userid) : mixed
$userid : mixed


public setMfaEnabled(mixed $userid, mixed $enabled) : mixed
$userid : mixed
$enabled : mixed


Change the password for a user

public setPassword(int $userid, string $password, array<string|int, mixed> $checkOptions[, array<string|int, mixed> $checkOverrides = [] ]) : void
$userid : int

-- the id of the user to change the passwordor

$password : string

-- the passsword to use for the new hash. May be md5 encoded.

$checkOptions : array<string|int, mixed>

-- values for permission checks. These are all required (though they might be ignored if the specific check is skipped).

  • passwordhistorylength -- The number of days to look back for duplicate passwords
$checkOverrides : array<string|int, mixed> = []

-- checks to skip. This will usually be based on user permissions, but we shouldn't check those in the library. All of these fields are optional. If not set or set to false, the check will be performed. If set to true, then the check will be skipped.

  • passwordbadwords -- skip the check for bad passwords
  • passwordhistory -- skip the check for the password history for this user. Will will still store the password set in the history
  • passwordrules -- skip the checks for the various password requirement rules that are configurable
  • all -- as special value that will skip all of the checks.

Note that these checks should not be skipped lightly and this option mostly exists so that we can rehash passwords that were validated against previous rules and might fail against new rules in a context where we can't handle the errors.


with the following possible errors

  • usernotfound -- The userid does not exist.
  • invalidpassword -- The password does not meet the configured standards for the site. Currently this only checks that the password is not the same as the username, but the caller should not assume that this is the only reason because this is likely to change in the future
Return values

Will throw an exception if setting the password fails.


Check the Verification Code entered by the user.

public verifyMfa(mixed $secretkey, mixed $thistry, mixed $relaxedmode) : mixed
$secretkey : mixed
$thistry : mixed
$relaxedmode : mixed


Verify a login value

public verifyPasswordFromInfo(array<string|int, mixed> $login, mixed $passwords) : mixed

In addition to the user's password, we'll verify do a couple of additional things

  • If the password hash scheme is disabled, we'll reject the login entirely
  • If the scheme is not current, we will attempt to quietly rehash
  • If the scheme has been deprecated and we cannot rehash, then we'll expire the password.
$login : array<string|int, mixed>

The login info of the user to verify containg * token -- the password hash to verify against * scheme -- the scheme used to generate the hash @param $passwords array. Array of password variants in the form ['password' => $password, 'encoding' => $encoding] valid values for encoding are 'text' and 'md5'. This is required to handle various legacy logic that encodes the password using md5 on the front end. We may wish to expand that to include better front end encodings in the future. @return array * auth bool true if the login succeeded, false otherwise * remembermetoken string token to use for remember me logic (blank if not authenticated)

$passwords : mixed


Verify the remember token.

public verifyRememberMeFromInfo(array<string|int, mixed> $login, string $remembermetoken) : array<string|int, mixed>

This verifies if the "rememberme" token returned by the password verification function is valid for the given user

$login : array<string|int, mixed>

login information

  • token -- the user's password token
  • scheme -- the user's password scheme
$remembermetoken : string

-- The token to checka

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>
  • auth (boolean) -- true if the rememberme token matches, false otherwise
  • remembermetoken (string) -- the "current" rememberme token. This will be the same as the rememberme token passed in unless we validated based on a legacy value. This should be used to update the rememberme value stored with the client. If the auth failed, this will be blank.

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